We Are A Strong Democratic Industry Union

Our Union is driven by what our members want. The RMTU is a union for transport workers in which all members have equal rights, whatever their job.
With rapid change, and increasing competition in the transport industry it is important that workers are protected by a strong, well-resourced union, specialising in all aspects of the transport industry; rail, road and ports.
The structure of the RMTU gives you the opportunity to be fully involved in a democratic union as collective decisions are made which may affect your job and conditions of employment.
You have the opportunity to elect your workplace union representative (delegate), as well as branch and national union representatives. You have a voice at all levels of the RMTU.
Information, Education And Training
An important part of the RMTU work are union education and training programs to provide members and union delegates with the information and skills needed to take up issues with your employer.
Union training workshops are run regularly througout the country for union members and delegates.
The RMTU publishes a regular union magazine THE TRANSPORT WORKER and other newsletters and information to keep union members up to date with what is happening in the union and our industry.
How To Get The Best Out Of Your Union
The success of any union depends on the active involvement of individual members. The RMTU is driven by what our members want. The organisational strength of the union is our membership in branches throughout New Zealand. Your participation as a member is very important. You can also play a key role by accepting nomination as a union delegate.
If You Need Help
If you need help or advice on any matter contact your union delegate or Branch Secretary. They will get advice and support from paid officials where necessary.